Tolong dibaca dulu sebelum membaca Fan Fic di sini ya ^^

1. SILENT READERS really make me DOWN. So, Please don’t be Silent Readers or I’ll protect my fanfiction if there are too many silent Readers. I you have a problem when leave a comment.. Just go to My other account Facebook or Twitter. Leave your comment there.

2. PLAGIAT? YOU DIE!! #idih sok serem deh gua XDD

3. DON’T COPAS My Fan Fiction here to the other place WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! You know? I only post my fanfic at my blog, SHINeendonesia, and SHINee Super Shinki FF Indo. Please call me if you find my fan fic in the other place.

4. Search my old Fan Fiction here LIBRARY

5. HAPPY READING ^^ Feel comfort to stay here. Imagine the story comes true. LOL

About kkangrii

| Moslem |

Posted on December 21, 2010, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 20 Comments.

    • Yeaaahh.. Dugaanku tepat *joget lucifer
      makasi dah mampir ya onn? Ninggalin jejak pula, huhuhu, terharu saya.. Oh ya onn kalo mau baca lanjutan The Sorrow Twilight di sini ya? Hehehe, udah sampe chapt 7, chapt 8nya lg kubikin, xixixi

  1. Sama.Sama.
    Bisa gtu jged Lucifer?, eumh susah itu. Kalau bisa “so fantastic” hehe 😀
    iya sok di tunggu. ^^

  2. Ok.Ok ^^
    percaya lah. 🙂

  3. Sipp bos ^^

  4. ship 😀 aku bakal slalu koment,, aku mau jdi reader setiamu ,

  5. anyeong… mau promosi neh…. kunjung blog kami dong. kami butuh reader dan author nih.. freelance aja. qta ga paksain kalian buat bikin req yang bejibun. qta terima FF genre apa pun, rating apapun, dan BB apapun juga GB apapun. kami harap banyak yang minat, jadi keinginan admin buat bikin event-event bisa terwujud. #plak!digampar sape nggak tau.??

    silahkan kunjung
    gomawo chingu… ^^

    maaf kalau ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan…

    dan buat chingu yang nggak minat, kami minta maaf…. dan abaikan saja kalo nggak minat #walaupun kami sedih. *gaje

  6. annyeong~
    bLog km dapet penghargaan di Stylish Blogger Award 2011 nih.
    Check ya..

    Stylish Blogger Award 2011

  7. okeoke.. aq pzti cment dstiap ff yg aq bka..

  8. Pas buka2 om google, ,
    nemuin ne WP. .
    Trnyta eh trnyata, kisah kasih pairing saya -red_2MIN-
    Bejibun dsni. . . XDD

  9. anneyong saeng ak brkunjung ke blog mu, ngomong2 kmu wktu itu liat blog ak dri mna???

  10. Annyeong admin,, bs mnta pw buat ff the sorrow twilight part 10 gk ? Gue nungguin bnget lnjtanx nih,Oy krim pwx ke nope gue aj ya admin,spy lbh trjaga krahasiaanx,hehehe… Gomawo
    Nie nope gue 085254681279

  11. Anyeong ****
    Chinggu , boleh mnta PW gag ???
    q nungguin PW buat buka the sorrow twilight part 10 …
    krim PW nya k’email q yach ( )

  12. Anislopejonghyun

    Anyeong ***
    Boleh mnta PW buat cerita ff THE SORROW TWILIGHT gag ???
    q pngen bgt nihc bcanya ….
    krim k’email q yach ( )

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